1.1 Organization. Joslin Cove Townhomes, a residential condominium project located in the
City of Manistee, Manistee County, Michigan (the “Condominium”), shall be administered by an
association of co-owners (the “Association”) which shall be organized as a nonprofit corporation
under the laws of the State of Michigan. The Association will be responsible for the management,
maintenance, operation and administration of the common elements, easements and affairs of the
Condominium in accordance with the Master Deed and Bylaws of the Condominium, the Articles of
Incorporation, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Association, and the laws of the State of Michigan.
1.2 Compliance. All present and future co-owners, mortgagees, lessees and all other persons
who may in any manner use, enter upon or acquire any interest in the Condominium Premises, or
any unit in the Condominium, shall be subject to and comply with the provisions of the Michigan
Condominium Act (Act 59, of the Public Acts of 19781 as amended), and the Condominium
Documents including but not necessarily limited to, any provision thereof pertaining to the use
and operation of the Condominium Premises and the property of the Condominium. The
acceptance of a deed or conveyance, the taking of a mortgage, the execution of a lease or the act
of occupancy of a unit, or presence, in the Condominium shall constitute an acceptance of the
provisions of these instruments and an agreement to comply therewith.
1.3 Purpose of Bylaws. These Bylaws govern the general operation, maintenance, administration, use
and occupancy of the Condominium, and all such activities shall be performed in accordance with the
provisions hereof.
2.1 Membership. Each co-owner of a unit in the Condominium, present and future, shall be a
member of the Association during the term of such ownership, and no other person or entity shall
be entitled to membership. Neither membership in the Association nor the share of a member in the
funds and assets of the Association shall be assigned, pledged or transferred in any manner, except as an
appurtenance to a unit in the Condominium.
2.2 Voting Rights. Except as otherwise provided in the Master Deed and in these Bylaws. The co-owners
of each unit shall collectively be entitled to one vote when voting by number and one vote, the value of
which shall equal the total percentage assigned to the unit or units owned by them in Article VI of the
Master Deed, when voting by value. Voting when required or permitted herein, or elsewhere in the
Condominium Documents, shall be by value, except in those instances where voting is specifically
required to be by number or both in value and in number, and no cumulation of votes shall be
2.3 Persons Entitled to Vote. For each unit, the co-owners shall file a written certificate
designating one individual representative entitled to cast the vote for the unit and to receive all
notices and other communications from the Association. The certificate shall be signed by all the
record owners of the unit and filed with the Secretary of the Association. The certificate shall
state the name and address of the individual representative designated, the number or numbers of
the unit or units owned, the name and address of the person or persons, firm, corporation,
partnership, association, trust or other legal entity who is the co-owner thereof, and shall be
signed and dated by the co-owners of record. All certificates shall be valid until revoked, until
superseded by a subsequent certificate, or until a change occurs in the record ownership of the
unit concerned. The Developer shall, at any meeting, be entitled to cast a vote on behalf of each
unit it owns without submitting any proof of ownership.
2.4 Method of Voting. Votes on a specific issue may be cast in person. In addition, any person entitled to
vote at any meeting may also appear and vote via telecommunications equipment, or electronic voting
method as provided in the Association Bylaws, or appear and vote (either specifically on an issue or by
the general designation of a person to cast a vote) by written proxy. Proxies may be made by any person
entitled to vote and shall be valid only for the particular meeting designated, and any adjournment
thereof, and must be filed with the Association before the appointed time of the meeting.
2.5 Majority. At any meeting of the members at which a quorum is present, fifty-one percent
(51%) in value of the co-owners voting, whether in person, by telecommunications, electronic voting
method or by proxy, on any particular matter, shall constitute a majority for the approval of such matter,
except as otherwise required herein, by the Master Deed, or by law.
3.1 First Meeting of Members. The first meeting of the members of the Association may be convened
only by the Board of Directors and may be called at any time upon ten (10) days written notice to all
members. In no event, however, shall the first meeting be held later than a one hundred twenty (120)
days after legal or equitable title to fifty percent 50% of the Condominium units that may be created has
been conveyed to non-Developer co-owners; or (b) fifty-four (54) months after the first conveyance of
legal or equitable title to a Condominium unit to a non-Developer co-owner, whichever first occurs. The
Board of Directors may call meetings of members of the Association for informational or other
appropriate purposes before the first meeting of members, but no such meeting shall be construed as
the first meeting of members. Before the first annual meeting, the Developer shall appoint all directors.
3.2 Advisory Committee. The Developer shall establish an Advisory Committee of non-
Developer members upon the passage of (a) one hundred twenty (120) days after the legal or
equitable title to one-third (1/3) of the Condominium units that may be created has been
conveyed to non-Developer co-owners; or (b) one ( 1) year after the initial conveyance of legal
or equitable title to a Condominium unit to a non-Developer co-owner, whichever first occurs.
The Advisory Committee shall meet with the Board of Directors from time to time to facilitate
communication with the non-Developer members and to aid in transferring control from the
Developer to nonDeveloper members. The Advisory Committee shall be composed of not less
than one (1) nor more than three (3) non-Developer members, who shall be appointed by the
Developer in any manner it selects, and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Developer. The
Advisory Committee shall automatically dissolve following the election of a majority of the
Board of Directors by nonDeveloper co-owners. Reasonable notice of such meetings shall be
provided to all members of the Committee, and such meetings may be open or closed, in the
discretion of the Board of Directors.
3.3 Annual Meetings of Members. Following the first meeting of members and in addition to
subsequent meetings called for the purpose of electing directors, as provided in Section 4.1
below, an annual meeting of the members shall be held each year at the time and place specified
in the Association Bylaws. At least ten (I 0) days before the date of an annual meeting, written
notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting shall be sent by first-class mail, postage
prepaid or by email, to each person entitled to vote at the meeting.
3.4 Special Meetings of Members. It shall be the duty of the President to call a special
meeting of the co-owners upon a petition signed by one-third (I/3), in number, of the co-owners
and presented to the Secretary of the Association or upon the direction of a majority of members
of the Board of Directors. Notice of any special meeting shall state the time and place of such
meeting and purposes thereof and shall be given at least ten (10) days before the date of such
meeting. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice.
3.5 Quorum of Members. Unless otherwise provided herein, the presence, in person or by
proxy, of a majority in value of the co-owners entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum of
members. If a quorum shall not be present at any meeting, the members present may adjourn the
meeting for not more than thirty (30) days.
4.1 Board of Directors. The business, property and affairs of the Association shall be
managed by a Board of Directors to be elected and to serve in the manner set forth in the
Association Bylaws. Until the initial meeting of members as provided in Section 3.1, hereof, the
Directors designated by the Incorporator, or their successors appointed by the Association as
provided in the Association Bylaws, shall serve. The entire Board of Directors shall be elected or
appointed at the first meeting of the Association or by electronic voting method, each annual meeting of
the Association and at any meeting of the Association called by the Board of Directors for the particular
purpose of electing directors, in the following manner:
a) After conveyance of legal or equitable title to non-Developer co-owners of
twenty-five percent (25%) of the units that may be created, one (1) director and not less
than one-third (l/3) of the Board of Directors of the Association shall be elected by
nonDeveloper co-owners. After conveyance of legal or equitable title to non-Developer
co owners of sixty-six percent (66%) of the units that may be created, not less than one-
half (1/2) of the Board of Directors shall be elected by non-Developer co-owners.
b) Notwithstanding the formula provided above, fifty-four (54) months after the first
conveyance of legal or equitable title to a non-Developer co-owner of a unit in the
Project, and if title to not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the units that may be
created has not been conveyed, the non-Developer co-owners have the right to elect a
number of members of the Board of Directors of the Association equal to the percentage
of units they hold, and the Developer has the right to elect a number of members of the
Board equal to the percentage of units which are owned by the Developer and for which
assessments are payable by the Developer; provided, however, the Developer will be able
to designate one member until the Developer sells all units to third parties. This election
may increase, but shall not reduce, the minimum election and designation rights
otherwise established herein. Application of this provision does not require a change in
the size of the Board as set forth in the Association Bylaws.
c) If the calculation of the percentage of members of the Board that the non-
Developer co-owners have a right to elect hereunder, or if the product of the number of
members of the Board multiplied by the percentage of units held by the non-Developer
co owners results in a right of non-Developer co-owners to elect a fractional number of
members of the Board, then a fractional election right of 0.5 or greater shall be rounded
up to the nearest whole number, which number shall be the number of members of the
Board that the non-Developer co-owners shall have the right to elect. After application of
this formula, the Developer shall have the right to elect the remaining members of the
Board. Application of this provision shall not eliminate the right of the Developer to
designate at least one member as provided herein.
d) Whenever the non-Developer members become entitled to elect one (1) or more
additional directors pursuant to the above formula, the Board of Directors shall provide
due notice of a meeting at which an election of all the directors shall take place. The
Board of Directors shall schedule such meeting to occur no later than one hundred twenty
(120) days after the non-Developer members become so entitled or, if such meeting
would be the first meeting of the Association, as provided in Article ID, Section 3 .1,
above. A Board of Directors elected pursuant to these provisions shall serve until the
earlier of the next annual meeting of the Association or such time as it has been replaced
in accordance with the provisions of these Condominium Bylaws and the Association Bylaws.
4.2 Powers and Duties. The Association shall have all powers and duties necessary for the
administration of the affairs of the Condominium and may do all things which are not prohibited
by law or the Condominium Documents or required thereby to be done by the co-owners. The
powers and duties to be exercised by the Association through the Board shall include, but shall
not be limited to, the power and duty:
a) To develop an annual budget and determine amounts required for the operation
and affairs of the Condominium.
b) To manage and administer the affairs of and to maintain the Condominium, all
appurtenances thereto and the common elements, property and easements thereof.
c) To levy and collect assessments against and from the members of the Association
and to use the proceeds therefrom for the purposes of the Association, and to enforce
assessments through liens and foreclosure proceedings where, in the judgment of the
Directors is appropriate.
d) To carry insurance and to collect and allocate the proceeds thereof.
e) To restore, repair or rebuild the common elements of the Condominium, or any
portion thereof, and any improvements located thereon, after the occurrence of a casualty
and to negotiate on behalf of co-owners in connection with the taking of the Condominium, or any
portion thereof: by eminent domain.
f) To contract for and employ, supervise, and discharge, persons or business entities to assist in the
management, operation, maintenance and administration of the Condominium.
g) To make and amend reasonable rules and regulations consistent with the Michigan Condominium Act,
the Master Deed and these Condominium Bylaws affecting co owners and their tenants, guests,
employees and invitees concerning the use and enjoyment of the Condominium and to enforce such
regulations by all legal methods including, but not limited to, the imposition of fines and late payment
charges, eviction proceedings or legal proceedings (copies of all such regulations and amendments
thereto shall be furnished to all members and shall become effective ten (10) days after mailing or
delivery thereof to the designated voting representative, as provided for in Section 2.3 above, of each
member, and any such regulation or amendment may be revoked at any time at any duly convened
meeting of the Association by the affirmative vote of more than fifty percent (50%) of all members in
number and in value, except that the members may not revoke any regulation or amendment before the first meeting of the Association.
h) To own, maintain and improve, and to buy, sell, convey, assign, mortgage, license, rent or lease (as
landlord oi tenant) any real or personal property, including, but not limited to, any common elements or
unit in the Condominium, easements, rights-of-way or licenses or any other real property, whether or
not contiguous to the Condominium, for the purpose of generating revenues, providing benefit to the
members of the Association or in furtherance of any other appropriate purposes of the Association.
i) To borrow money and issue evidence of indebtedness in furtherance of any and all the purposes of
the business of the Association, and to secure those debts by mortgage, pledge or other lien on property
owned by the Association; provided, however, that any such action shall first be approved by the
affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of the Association in value at a meeting of the
members duly called.
j) To establish such committees as it considers necessary, convenient or desirable and to appoint persons
thereto, for the purpose of implementing the administration of the Condominium and to delegate to
such committees any functions or responsibilities which are not by law or the Condominium Documents
required to be performed by the Board.
k) To enforce the provisions of the Condominium Documents, as amended from time to time, and to sue
on behalf of the Condominium or the members and to assert defend or settle claims on behalf of the
members with respect to the Condominium.
l) To do anything required of or permitted by it as administrator of the Condominium by the
Condominium Master Deed, these Bylaws or the Michigan Condominium Act. as amended from time to
m) To provide services to co-owners.
n) In general, to enter into any kind of activity; to make and perform any contract and to exercise all
powers necessary, incidental or convenient to the administration, management, maintenance, repair,
replacement and operation of the Condominium and to the accomplishment of any of the purposes
thereof not forbidden, and with all powers conferred upon nonprofit corporations by the laws of the
State of Michigan. Provided, however, that, accept in the case of licenses, leases or rental arrangements
having a duration of one (1) year or less. neither the Board nor the Association shall, by act or omission,
abandon, partition, subdivide. encumber, sell or transfer the common elements. or any of them. unless
at least two-thirds (2/3) of the first mortgagees (based upon one (l) vote for each first mortgage owned)
and two-thirds (2/3) of the members in number and value have consented thereto. The granting of
easements for public utilities or other public purposes consistent with the intended use of the common
elements by the Condominium, shall not be considered a transfer for these purposes.
4.3 Managing Agent. The Board may employ, at a compensation established by it, a
management agent for the Condominium to perform such duties and services as the Board shall
authorize, including, but not limited to, the powers and duties set forth in Section 4.2 above.
Before the Transitional Control Date, the Developer, or any related person or entity, may serve as
managing agent if so appointed. In no event shall the Board be authorized to enter into any
contract with a management agent, or any contract providing for services by the Developer or its
affiliates, in which the maximum term is greater than three (3) years or which is not terminable
by the Association upon the Transitional Control Date or within ninety (90) days thereafter and
upon thirty (30) days written notice for cause. On the Transitional Control Date, or within ninety
(90) days thereafter. The Board of Directors may terminate a service or management contract
with the Developer or its affiliates. In addition, the Board of Directors may terminate any
management contract which extends beyond one (1) year after the Transitional Control Date by
providing notice of termination to the management agent at least thirty (30) days before the
expiration of the one (1) year.
4.4 Officers. The Association Bylaws shall provide the designation, number, terms of office, qualifications,
manner of election, duties, removal and replacement of the officers of the Association and may contain
any other provisions pertinent to the affairs of the Association not inconsistent herewith. Officers may be
compensated, but only after the affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members.
4.5 Actions Before First Meeting. Subject to the provisions of Section 4.3 above, all the
actions (including without limitation, the adoption of these Bylaws, the Association Bylaws, any
Rules and Regulations for the Association, and any undertakings or contracts entered into with
others on behalf of the Association) of the first Board of Directors of the Association named in
its Articles of Incorporation, or their appointed successors, before the first meeting of members,
shall be binding upon the Association in the same manner as though such actions had been authorized
by a Board of Directors duly elected by the members of the Association at the first or any later meeting
of members so long as such actions are within the scope of the powers and duties which may be
exercised by any Board of Directors as provided in the Condominium Documents.
4.6 Indemnification of Officers and Directors. The Association shall indemnify every Association director
and officer against all expenses (including attorney’s fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in
settlement actually and reasonably incurred by him as a consequence of his being made a party to or
being threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or contemplated action, suit or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of his being or having been
a director or officer of the Association, except in such cases where he is, adjudged guilty of willful and
wanton misconduct or gross negligence in the performance of his duties or adjudged to have not acted
in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the
Association and its members, and with respect to any criminal Action or proceeding, he is adjudged to
have had no reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful; provided that, if a director or
officer claims reimbursement or indemnification hereunder based upon his settlement of a matter, he
shall be indemnified only if the Board of Directors (with any director seeking reimbursement abstaining)
approves such settlement and reimbursement as being in the best interests of the Association and, if a
majority of the members request it. Such approval is based on an opinion of independent counsel
supporting the propriety of such indemnification and reimbursement. The foregoing right of
indemnification shall not be exclusive and shall be in addition to all other rights such director or
officer may have. The Board of Directors shall notify all members that it has approved an indemnification
payment at least ten (10) days before making the payment.
5.1 Personal Property. The Association shall be assessed as the person or entity in possession
of any tangible personal property of the Condominium owned or possessed in common by the
co-owners, and personal property taxes based thereon shall be treated as Expenses of
Administration as defined in Section 5.4 below.
5.2 Cost and Receipts to Be Common. All costs incurred by the Association in satisfaction of
any liability arising within, or caused by or in connection with, the common elements or the
administration of the Condominium shall be Expenses of Administration. All sums received as
proceeds of, or pursuant to, any policy of insurance carried by the Association securing the
interests of the co-owners against liabilities or losses arising within, caused by or connected with
the general common elements or the administration of the Condominium shall be receipts of
5.3 Books of Account. The Association shall keep or cause to be kept detailed books of
account showing all expenditures and receipts affecting administration of the Condominium.
The books of account shall specify the maintenance and repair expenses of the common elements
and any other expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Association of co-owners and shall be
open for inspection by the co-owners and their mortgagees during reasonable working hours on
normal working days at a place to be designated by the Association. The books of account shall
be reviewed at least annually and audited at such times as required by the Board of Directors by
qualified independent accountants. The cost of the review or audit, and all accounting expenses,
shall be Expenses of Administration. Any institutional holder of a first mortgage lien on any unit
in the Condominium shall, upon request, be entitled to receive a copy of the accountants report
within ninety (90) days following the end of the Associations fiscal year. At least once a year,
the Association shall prepare and distribute to each co-owner a statement of its financial
condition. the contents of which shall be defined by the Association.
5.4 Regular Assessments. The board shall establish an annual budget in advance for each
fiscal year for the Condominium. The budget shall contain a statement of the estimated funds
required to defray the Expenses of Administration for the forthcoming year, which shall mean
all items specifically defined as such in these Bylaws and all other common expenses. The
common expenses shall consist, among other things, of such amounts as the Board may consider
proper for the operation, management and maintenance of the Condominium Project to the extent
of the powers and duties delegated to it hereunder, and in the Master Deed, and shall include,
without limitation, amounts to be set aside for working capital of the Condominium, the cost of
fulfilling the Associations maintenance, repair and replacement responsibilities, management
wages, fees and salaries, common area utilities, common area landscaping maintenance and
replacement, common area cleaning, supplies, snow removal, licenses and permits, banking,
legal and accounting fees, insurance, and creation and maintenance of an appropriate reserve
fund. As provided in Section 5.11 below, an adequate reserve fund for maintenance, repair and
replacement of the general common elements must be established in the budget and must be
funded by regular assessments rather than by special assessments. The budget shall also allocate
and assess all Expenses of Administration against all co-owners in accordance with the percentage of
value allocated to each unit by the Maste Deed, without increase or decrease for the existence of any
rights to the use of the common elements. Any special common charges shall be allocated among the
units to which the limited common elements giving rise to the special charges appertain, based upon the
proportionate percentage of value allocated to each such unit in the Master Deed. The Board shall
advise each non-Developer co-owner in writing of the amount of common charges payable by him and
shall furnish copies of each budget on which such common charges are based to all co-owners, although
failure to deliver a copy of the budget to each co-owner shall not affect the liability of any co-owner for
any existing or future assessments. All assessments levied in accordance with the foregoing provisions of
this Section 5.4 shall be payable by the non-Developer co-owners in twelve (12) equal monthly
installments, commencing with acquisition of legal or equitable title to a unit by any means. The Board
may, in its sole discretion, elect to collect the regular assessments on a quarterly basis. Should the Board
at any time determine, in its sole discretion, that the assessments levied are or may prove to be
(1) to pay the costs of operation and management of the Condominium, (2) to provide for the
maintenance, repair or replacement of existing common elements, (3) to provide additions to the
general common elements not exceeding Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($5,000.00) annually, or (4)
to provide for emergencies, the Board shall have the authority to increase the general assessments or to
levy such additional assessment or assessments as it shall consider necessary. Such assessments shall be
payable when and as the Board shall determine. Any sums owed to the Association by any individual co-
owner may be assessed to and collected from the responsible co-owner as an addition to the regular
assessment installment next coming due. The discretionary authority of the Board to levy assessments
pursuant to this Section will rest solely with the Board for the benefit of the Association and the
members thereof and will not be enforceable by any creditors of the Association or its members.
5.5 Special Assessments. Special assessments, in addition to those provided for in Section
5.4 above, may be levied by the Board from time to time, following approval by the co owners
as hereinafter provided, to meet other needs, requirements or desires of the Association,
including, but not limited to, (1) assessments for capital improvements for additions to the
general common elements at a cost exceeding Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($5,000.00) per
year, (2) assessments to purchase a unit upon foreclosure of the lien for assessments as described
in Section 5.6 hereof, and (3) assessments for any other appropriate purpose not described
elsewhere herein. Special assessments referred to in this Section (but not including assessments
referred to in Section 5.4 above, which shall be levied in the sole discretion of the Board) shall
not be levied without first being approved by two-thirds (213) of all members in value and in
number, which approval shall be granted only by a vote of the co-owners taken at a meeting of
the co-owners called in accordance with the provisions of Article hereof. The discretionary
authority of the Board to levy assessments pursuant to this Section will rest solely with the Board
for the benefit of the Association and the members thereof and will not be enforceable by any
creditors of the Association or its members.
5.6 Collection of Assessments. When used in this Section and Section S.12 below, and
wherever else appropriate in these Condominium Bylaws, the term assessment shall include all
regular quarterly and special assessments referred to in Sections 5.4 and 5.5 above and, in
addition, all other charges whatsoever levied by the Association against any co-owner. This
Section 5.6 is designed to provide the Association with a vehicle for collection.
Each co-owner, whether one or more persons, shall be and shall remain personally
obligated for the payment of all assessments levied with regard to his unit during the time that he
is the owner thereof. If any co-owner defaults in paying an assessment, interest at the maximum
legal rate shall be charged on such assessment from the due date and further penalties or
proceedings may be instituted by the Board in its discretion. The payment of an assessment shall
be in default if such assessment is not paid in full on or before the due date established by the
Board for such payment. In the event of default by any co-owner in the payment of any
installment of the annual assessment levied against his unit; the Association shall have the right
to declare all unpaid installments of the annual assessment for the pertinent fiscal year
immediately due and payable. The Association may also discontinue the furnishing of any
services to a co-owner in default upon seven (7) days written notice to such co-owner of its
intent to do so. A co-owner in default on the payment of any assessment shall not be entitled to
vote at any meeting of the Association so long as such default continues. The Board may, but
need not, report such a default to any first mortgagee of record; provided, however, that if such
default is not cured within sixty (60) days, the Association shall give the notice required by
Section 9.2 below. Any first mortgagee of a unit in the Condominium may consider a default in
the payment of any assessment a default in the payment of its mortgage. When a co-owner is in
arrears to the Association for assessments, the Association may give written notice of arrearage
to any person occupying his unit under a lease or rental agreement, and such person, after
receiving the notice, shall deduct from rental payments due the co-own.er the arrearage and
future assessments as they fall due and pay them to the Association. The deductions shall not be
a breach of the rental agreement or lease by the occupant. Unpaid assessments shall constitute a lien
upon the unit prior to all other liens except unpaid ad valorem real estate taxes and special assessments
imposed by a governmental entity and sums unpaid on a first mortgage of record. The Association may
enforce collection of delinquent assessments by a suit at law for a money judgment or by foreclosure of
the lien that secures payment of assessments. Each co-owner, and every other person, except a first
mortgagee, who from time to time has any interest in the Condominium, shall be considered to have
granted to the Association the unqualified right to elect to foreclose such lien either by judicial action or
by advertisement. The provisions of Michigan law pertaining to foreclosure of mortgages by judicial
action and by advertisement, as they may be amended from time to time, are incorporated herein by
reference for the purposes of establishing the alternative procedures to be followed in lien foreclosure
actions the rights and obligations of the parties to such actions. THE ASSOCIATION IS HEREBY
GRANTED WHAT IS COMMONLY KNOWN ASA POWER OF SALE. Further, each coowner and every other
person, except a first mortgagee, who from time to time has any interest in the Condominium shall be
considered to have authorized and empowered the Association to sell or to cause to be sold the unit
with respect to which the assessment is delinquent and to receive, hold and distribute the proceeds of
such sale in accordance with the priorities established by applicable law. EACH CO-OWNER
OF THE SUBJECT UNIT. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither judicial foreclosure action nor a suit at law
for a money judgment shall be commenced, nor shall any notice of foreclosure by advertisement be
published, until the expiration of ten {10) days after the mailing of a written notice that an assessment,
or any part thereof, levied against his unit is delinquent, and the Association may invoke any of its
remedies hereunder if the default is not cured within ten (10) days after the date of mailing. The notice
shall be mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, and postage prepaid, and shall be addressed
to the individual representative of the delinquent co-owner designated in the certificate filed with the
Association pursuant to Section 2.3 above, at the address set forth in such certificate or at his last known
address. The written notice shall be accompanied by a written affidavit of an authorized representative
of the Association that sets forth (i) the affiant capacity to make the affidavit, (ii) the statutory and other
authority for the lien, (iii) the amount outstanding (exclusive of interest costs, attorney’s fees and future
assessments), (iv) the legal description of the subject unit, and (v) the name of the co-owner of record.
The affidavit shall be recorded in the Office of the Manistee County Register of Deeds before the
commencement of any foreclosure proceeding, but it need not have been recorded as of the date of
mailing the notice as provided above. If the delinquency is not cured within the ten (10) day period, the
Association may take such remedial action as may be available to it hereunder or wider Michigan law. In
the event the Association elects to foreclose the lien by advertisement, the Association shall so notify
the individual representative designated above and shall inform such representative that he may
request a judicial hearing by bringing suit against the Association. The expenses incurred in collecting
unpaid assessments, including interest, costs, actual attorney’s fees (not limited to statutory fees) and
advances for taxes or other liens paid by the Association to protect its lien, shall be chargeable to the co-
owner in default and shall be secured by the lien on his unit. In a judicial foreclosure action, a receiver
may be appointed to collect a reasonable rental for the unit from the co-owner the thereof or any
persons claiming under him, and each co-owner hereby consents to the appointment of such a receiver.
The Association may purchase a unit at any foreclosure sale hereunder. If the holder of a first mortgage
on a unit in the Condominium obtains title to the unit as a result of foreclosure of the mortgage, deed in
lieu of foreclosure or similar remedy, or any other remedy provided in the mortgage, such person, and its
successors and assigns, or other purchaser at a foreclosure sale shall not be liable for unpaid
assessments chargeable to the unit which became due before the acquisition of title to the unit by that
person: provided, however, that those unpaid assessments shall be considered common expenses
collectible from all the unit owners including that person, its successors and assigns, and that all
assessments chargeable to the unit after the acquisition of title shall be the responsibility of that person
as provided above with respect to all co-owners.
5.7 Obligations of the Developer. The Developer, although a member of the Association, will not be
responsible for the payment of either regular or special assessments levied by the Association, except as
(a) Pre-Turnover Expenses. During the time that the Developer controls the Association, it will be its
responsibility to keep the books balanced, and to avoid any deficit in operating expenses. At the time of
the initial meeting of members, the Developer will be liable for the funding of any continuing Association
deficit incurred prior to the Transitional Control Date.
(b) Post-Turnover Expenses. After the Transitional Control Date has occurred, the Developer will not be
responsible for the payment of regular monthly assessments or of special assessments on units being
constructed by it or under its supervision until such time as a certificate of occupancy is issued for a unit.
Until a certificate of occupancy is issued, however, the Developer may be assessed by the Association for
actual costs, if any, incurred by the Association which are directly attributable to the units being
constructed by the Developer, together with a reasonable share of costs of administration which
indirectly benefit the Developer (other than costs attributable to the maintenance of commercial
structures), based on the ratio of completed units owned by the Developer from time to time to the
number of completed units owned and/or occupied by non-Developer Co-owners.
c) Exempted Transactions. The Developer will not be responsible for the payment of any portion of any
general or special assessment which is levied for deferred maintenance, reserves for replacement or
capital improvements or additions, except with respect to units which have been substantially
completed. In no event will the Developer be liable for any assessment levied in whole or in part to
finance litigation or other claims against the Developer, any cost of investigating and/or preparing such
litigation or claim, or any similar related costs.
d) Act to Govern. As long as the Developer owns one or more of the units in the Project, it shall be
subject to the provisions of the Condominium Documents and of the Act 5.8 Access: Maintenance and
Repair. As provided in the Master Deed, the Association shall maintain and repair the general common
elements, whether located inside or outside the units, and the limited common elements, to the extent
set forth in the Master Deed, the costs thereof shall be charged to all the members as a common
expense, unless necessitated by the negligence, misuse or neglect of a member, in which case such
expense shall be charged to such member. The Association or its agent shall have access to each unit
from time to time during reasonable working hours, upon notice to the occupant thereof, for the
purpose of maintenance, repair or replacement of any of the common elements located therein or
accessible therefrom. The Association or its agent shall also have access to each unit at all times without
notice for making emergency repairs necessary to prevent damage to other units, the common elements
or both. Each member shall provide the Association means of access to his unit and any limited
common elements appurtenant thereto during all periods of absence, and if such member fails to
provide a means of access, the Association may gain access in such manner as may be reasonable under
the circumstances and shall not be liable to such member for any necessary damage to his unit or any
limited common elements appurtenant thereto caused thereby or for the repair or replacement of any
doors or windows damaged in gaining such access, the costs of which damage shall be borne by such
member. Unless otherwise provided herein or in the Master Deed, damage to a unit or its contents
caused by the repair or maintenance activities of the Association, or by the common elements, shall be
repaired at the expense of the Association.
All other maintenance and repair obligations shall, as provided in the Master Deed, rest
on the individual member. Each member shall maintain his unit and any limited common
elements appurtenant thereto for which he has maintenance responsibility in a safe, clean and
sanitary condition. Each member shall also use due care to avoid damaging any of the common
elements, including, but not limited to, the telephone, water, gas, plumbing, electrical or other
utility conduits end systems, boat docks and any other elements in any unit which are appurtenant to or
which may affect any other unit. Each member shall be responsible for damages or costs to the
Association resulting from negligent damage to or misuse of any of the common elements by
him, his family, guests, agents or invitees, unless such damages or costs are actually reimbursed
from insurance carried by the Association, in which case there shall be no such responsibility (if
reimbursement to the Association is excluded by virtue of a deductible provision, the responsible
member shall bear the expense to the extent of the deductible amount, anything else in these
Bylaws to the contrary notwithstanding). Any costs or damages to the Association that are herein
or elsewhere in the Condominium Documents assigned to the individual member may be
assessed to and collected from the responsible member in the manner provided for regular
assessments in Section 5.4. The provisions of this Section
5.8 shall be subject to those of Sections 6.1 and 6.2 in the event of repair or replacement on account of a casualty loss.
5.9 Taxes. After the year in which the Condominium is established, all special assessments
and property taxes shall be assessed against the individual units and not upon the total property
of the Condominium or any part thereof. Taxes and governmental special assessments which
have become a lien against the property of the Condominium in the year of its establishment (as
provided in Section 131 of the Act) shall be Expenses of Administration and shall be paid by the
Association. Each unit shall be assessed a percentage of the total bill for such taxes and
assessments equal to the percentage of value allocated to it in the Master Deed, and the owner
thereof shall reimburse the Association for his units share of such bill within ten (I 0) days after
he has been tendered a statement therefor.
5.10 Documents to Be Kept. The Association shall keep current copies of the recorded Master
Deed, and all amendments thereto, and other Condominium Documents available at reasonable
hours to co-owners, mortgagees, prospective purchasers and prospective mortgagees of units in
the Condominium.
5.11 Reserve for Major Repairs and Replacement. The Association shall maintain a reserve
fund for major repairs and replacement of common elements in an amount equal to at least ten
percent (I 0%) of the Associations current annual budget on a noncumulative basis. Moneys in
the reserve fund shall be used only for major repairs and replacement of common elements. The
minimum standards required by this Section may prove inadequate for a particular project. The
Association of co-owners should carefully analyze the Condominium Project to determine if a
greater amount should be set aside, or if additional reserve funds should be established for other
5.12 Statement of Unpaid Assessments. Pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the purchaser of
any unit may request a statement from the Association as to the outstanding amount of any
unpaid assessments thereon, whether regular or special or resulting from unpaid charges. Upon
written request to the Association accompanied by a copy of the executed purchase agreement
pursuant to which the purchaser holds a right to acquire a unit, the Association shall provide a
written statement of such unpaid assessments as may exist or a statement that none exist, which
statement shall be binding upon the Association for the period stated therein. Upon the payment
of that sum within the period stated, the Associations lien for assessments as to that unit shall be
considered satisfied; provided, however, that the failure of a purchaser to request such a
statement at least five (5) days before the closing of the purchase of a unit shall render any
unpaid assessments and the lien securing them fully enforceable against that purchaser and the
unit itself.
6.1 Insurance. The Association shall, to the extent appropriate given the nature of the
common elements, carry fire and extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief and
liability insurance (including, without limitation, Directors and Officers coverage), workers
compensation insurance, if applicable, and such other insurance coverage as the Board may
determine to be appropriate with respect to the ownership, use and maintenance of the common
elements of the Condominium and the administration of Condominium affairs. The insurance
shall be carried and administered in accordance with the following provisions:
a) The Association shall purchase that insurance for the benefit of the Association, the co-owners and
their mortgagees, as their interests may appear, and provision shall be made for the issuance of
certificates of insurance with mortgagee endorsements to the mortgagees of co-owners. The Association
and all co-owners shall use their best efforts to see that all property and liability insurance carried
pursuant to the terms of this Article I shall contain appropriate provisions by which the insurer waives
its right of subrogation as to any claims against any co-owner or the Association, and, subject to the
provisions of Section 5.8, hereof, the association and each co-owner hereby waive, each as to the other.
any right of recovery for losses covered by insurance. The liability of carriers issuing insurance obtained
by the Association shall not, unless otherwise required by law, be affected or diminished on account of
any additional insurance carried by any co-owner, and vice versa.
b) The Association may carry fidelity bond insurance in such limits as the Board shall determine upon all
officers and employees of the Association who in the course of their duties may reasonably be expected
to handle funds of the Association or any co-owners.
c) Each co-owner shall be responsible for obtaining insurance coverage at his own expense for the
interior of his unit, including wall coverings, floor coverings, windows and screens. It shall further be
each co-owner’s responsibility to obtain insurance coverage for his personal property located within his
Condominium unit or elsewhere in the Condominium Project. Each co-owner also shall be obligated to
obtain insurance coverage for his personal liability for occurrences within his unit and the limited
common elements appurtenant to his unit. The Association will under no circumstances have any
obligation to obtain any of the insurance coverage described in this subsection or any liability to any
person for failure to do so.
d) All common elements of the Condominium shall be insured against fire and other perils covered by a
standard extended coverage endorsement in an amount equal to the maximum insurable replacement
value, excluding land, landscaping, pavement, foundation, and excavation costs, as determined annually
by the Board of Directors of the Association. Such coverage shall also include interior walls within any
unit and the pipes, wires, conduits, and ducts contained therein and shall further include all fixtures,
equipment, and trim within a unit which were furnished with the unit as standard items according to the
plans and specifications thereof on file with the Association (or such replacements thereof as do not
exceed the cost of such standard items). Any improvement, made by a co-owner within his unit shall be
covered by insurance obtained by and at the expense of the co-owner; provided that., if the Association
elects to include such improvements under its insurance coverage, any additional premium cost to the
Association attributable thereto shall be assessed to and home solely by the co-owner and collected as a
part of the assessment levied against the co-owner under Section 5.4 above.
e) All insurance carried hereunder shall, to the extent possible, provide for cross-coverage of claims by
one insured against another.
f) Public liability insurance shall be carried in such limits as the Board may from time to time determine
to be appropriate, and shall cover the Association, each member., director and officer thereof, and any
managing agent.
g) All premiums upon insurance purchased by the Association pursuant to these Bylaws, except pursuant
to subsection 6.t{c) above, shall be Expenses of Administration.
h) Proceeds of all insurance policies owned by the Association shall be received by the Association, held
in a separate account, and distributed to the Association, the coowners and their mortgagees as their
interests may appear; provided, however, whenever repair or reconstruction of the Condominium shall
be required as provided in Section 6.2. below, the proceeds of any insurance received by the Association
as a result of any loss requiring repair or reconstruction shall be applied for such repair or reconstruction
and in no event shall hazard insurance proceeds be used for any purpose other than for repair,
replacement or reconstruction of the Condominium Project unless all the holders of first mortgages on
units in the Condominium have given their prior written approval.
i) Each co-owner, by ownership of a unit in the Condominium, shall be considered to appoint the
Association as his true and lawful attorney-in-fact to act in connection with all matters concerning
insurance pertinent to the Condominium and the common elements thereof. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the Association as attorney shall have full power and authority to purchase
and maintain such insurance, to collect and remit premiums therefor, to collect proceeds and to
distribute them to the Association, the co-owners and respective mortgagees, as their interests may
appear (subject always to the Condominium Documents), to execute releases of liability and to
execute all documents and to do all things on behalf of such co-owners and the Condominium as shall be
necessary or convenient to accomplish the foregoing.
j) Each individual co-owner shall indemnify and hold harmless every other co-owner. the Developer, and
the Association from and against all damages. costs and judgment, including actual attorney’s fees,
which any indemnified party may suffer as a result of defending claims arising out of an occurrence on or
within such individual co-owner’s unit or appurtenant limited common elements. This provision shall not
be construed to give an insurer any subrogation right or other right or claim against an individual co-
owner, the Developer or the Association.
k) Fidelity bonds may be required by the Board of Directors from all persons handling or responsible for
Association funds, the amount of such bonds shall be determined by the Board in its sole discretion, and
the premium for such bonds shall be a general expense of the Association.
6.2 Reconstruction or Repair. If any part of the Condominium shall be damaged, the determination of
whether or not and how. it shall be reconstructed or repaired shall be made in the following manner:
(a) If a common element or a unit is damaged. such property shall be rebuilt or repaired if any
Condominium unit is tenantable, unless the members unanimously vote that the Condominium shall be
terminated and each holder of a mortgage lien on any Condominium unit has given its prior written
approval of such termination.
(b) If the Condominium is so damaged that no unit is tenantable, and if each holder of a mortgage lien
on any unit in the Condominium has given its prior written approval to the termination of the
Condominium the damaged property shall not be rebuilt and the Condominium shall be terminated,
unless all the members in value and in number agree to reconstruction by vote or in writing within
ninety (90) days after the destruction.
(c) Any reconstruction or repair shall be performed substantially in accordance with the Master Deed
and the plans and specifications for the Condominium to a condition as similar as possible to the
condition existing prior to damage, unless the members and each holder of a mortgage lien on any
Condominium unit shall unanimously decide otherwise.
(d) If the damage is only to a part of a unit which it is the responsibility of a member to maintain and
repair, it shall be the responsibility of the member to repair such damage in accordance with subsection
(e) hereof in all other cases, the responsibility for reconstruction and repair shall be that of the
Association. The Association promptly shall notify each holder of a mortgage lien on any of the
Condominium units if any unit or any part of the common elements is substantially damaged or
(e) Each member shall be responsible for the reconstruction and repair of the interior of his unit,
including, but not limited to, floor coverings, wall coverings, window shades, draperies, interior walls
(but not any common elements therein), interior trim, furniture, light fixtures and all appliances,
whether freestanding or built-in, and items deemed to be the responsibility of the individual member by
Article V of the Master Deed. If damage to interior walls within a unit or to pipes, wires, conduits, ducts
or other common elements therein is covered by insurance held by the Association, then the
reconstruction or repair thereof shall be the responsibility of the Association in accordance with
subsection (t). If any other interior portion of a unit, or item therein, is covered by insurance held by the
Association for the benefit of the member, the member shall be entitled to receive the proceeds of
insurance relative thereto, and if there is a mortgage endorsement, the proceeds shall be payable to the
member and the mortgagee jointly, without any change to the obligations set forth in this subsection (e).
(f) The Association shall be responsible for the reconstruction and repair of the common elements, and
for any incidental damage to a unit and the contents thereof caused by such common elements or the
reconstruction or repair thereof. Immediately after a casualty occurs causing damage to property for
which the Association has the responsibility of maintenance, repair md reconstruction. the Association·
shall obtain reliable and detailed estimates of the cost to return the damaged property to a condition as
good as that existing before the damage.
(g) Any insurance proceeds received, whether by the Association or a member. Shall be used for
reconstruction or repair when reconstruction or repair is required by these Bylaws. If the insurance
proceeds are not sufficient to pay the estimated costs of reconstruction or repair required to be
performed by the Association, or if at anytime during such reconstruction or repair, or upon completion
of such reconstruction or repair, the funds for the payment of the costs thereof are insufficient,
assessments shall be made against all members for the cost of reconstruction or repair of the damaged
property in sufficient amounts to provide funds to pay the estimated or actual cost of repair. Such
assessments shall be levied in the same manner as the regular monthly assessments, as set forth in
Article V, Section 5.4.
6.3 Eminent Domain. The following provisions shall control upon any taking by eminent domain:
(a) In the event of any taking of all or any portion of a unit or any limited common element appurtenant
thereto, the award for such taking shall be paid to the co-owner of the unit and the mortgagee thereof,
as their interests may appear. If the co-owner’s entire unit is taken by eminent domain, such co-owner
and his mortgagee shall after acceptance of the condemnation award therefore, be divested of all
interest in the Condominium Project.
(b) In the event of any taking of all or any portion of the general common elements,
the condemnation proceeds relative to such taking shall be paid to the co-owners and the
mortgagees in proportion to their respective interests in the common elements and the
affinitive vote of two-thirds (2/3) or more of the co-owners in number and in value
shall determine whether to rebuild, repair or replace the portion so taken or to take such
other action as they consider appropriate.
(c) In the event the Condominium Project continues after taking by eminent domain,
then the remaining portion of the Condominium Project shall be resurveyed and the
Master Deed amended accordingly and, if any unit shall have been taken, Article VI of
the Master Deed shall also be amended to reflect such taking and to proportionately
readjust the percentages of value of the remaining co-owners based upon the continuing
value of the Condominium. of one hundred percent (100%). Such amendment may be
effected by an officer of the Association duly authorized by the Board of Directors
without the necessity of execution or specific approval thereof by any co-owner.
(d) In the event any unit in the Condominium or any portion thereof, or the common
elements or any portion thereof, is made the subject matter of any condemnation or
eminent domain proceeding or is otherwise sought to be acquired by a condemning
authority, the Association promptly shall notify each institutional holder of a first
mortgage lien on any of the units in the Condominium.
(e) To the extent not inconsistent with the foregoing provisions, Section 133 of the
Act shall control upon any taking by eminent domain.
6.4 Construction Liens. The following provisions shall control the circumstances under
which construction liens may be applied against the Condominium or any unit thereof:
(a) Except as provided below, a construction lien for work performed on a
Condominium unit or upon a limited common element may attach only to the unit upon
or for the benefit of which the work was performed.
(b) A construction lien for work authorized by the Developer or principal contractor
and performed upon the common elements may attach only to units owned by the
Developer at the time of recording of the claim of lien.
(c) A construction lien for work authorized by the Association of co-owners may
attach to each unit only to the proportionate extent that the co-owner of the unit is
required to contribute to the Expenses of Administration as provided by the
Condominium Documents.
(d) A construction lien may not arise or attach to a unit for work performed on the
common elements not contracted for by the Developer or the Association of co-owners,
except as provided in subsection 6.4(a) above. If a co-owner is advised or otherwise learns of a
purported construction lien contrary to the foregoing, he shall immediately notify the Board of Directors.
Upon teaming of the purported construction lien, the Board shall take appropriate measures to remove
any cloud on the title of units improperly affected thereby.
6.5 Mortgagees. Nothing contained in the Condominium Documents shall be construed to
give a Condominium unit owner, or any other party, priority over any rights of first mortgagees
of Condominium units pursuant to their mortgages in the case of a distribution to Condominium
unit owners of insurance proceeds or condemnation awards for losses to or a ta1dng of
Condominium units, common elements or both.
7.1 Establishment of Restrictions. In order to provide for congenial occupancy of the
Condominium and for the protection of the value of the Condominium units, the use of
Condominium property shall be subject to the limitations set forth below:
a) Residential Units. No Condominium unit shall be used for other than residential
purposes and the common elements shall be used only for purposes consistent with the
use of single-family residences. It is strictly prohibited to use common areas for commercial,
political or religious or other purposes not consistent with single-family use. No more than four
persons or no more than two unrelated persons may occupy a unit, without the written consent
of the Association or Developer.
b) Alterations. A Co-owner may make improvements or alterations within his unit
that (a) do not impair the structural integrity of a structure or otherwise lessen the support
of a portion of the Project, and (b) do not affect the external appearance of the unit or to
appurtenant limited common elements (only with the consent of all other Co-owners of
units to which the limited common element is appurtenant). Such improvements and
alterations shall not require the consent or approval of the Board of Directors. No Co-
owner shall make alterations in the exterior appearance of the Condominium Project or
make structural modifications to his unit not specifically permitted above or make
changes in any of the general common elements, nor shall any Co-owner damage or
make modifications or attachments to common or limited common element walls
between units which in any way impair sound-conditioning provisions, without the
express prior written approval of the Coowner of the adjoining unit, The Board of
Directors may appoint an Environmental Control Committee and may delegate to it
responsibility for establishing rules relating to the appearance of units and common areas,
and the construction, maintenance, and repair, and approval thereof. Even after approval,
a Co-owner shall be responsible for all damages to any other units and their contents or to
the common elements, resulting from any such modification.
c) Use of Common Elements. The common elements shall be used only by the Co-
owners of units in the Condominium and by their agents. tenants, invitees and licensees
for access, ingress to and egress from the respective units and for other purposes
incidental to use of the units; provided, however, that any storage facilities or other
common elements designed for a specific use shall be used only for the purposes
approved by the Association. In general, no activity shall be carried on nor condition
maintained by a Co-owner either in his unit or upon the common elements, which spoils
the appearance of the Condominium or unreasonably interferes with the permitted
activities of the other Co-owners. ln general, all of the general common elements shall
not be obstructed in any way nor shall they be used for purposes other than for which
they are reasonably and obviously intended.
d) Nuisances. No immoral, improper, unlawful or offensive activity shall be carried
on in any unit or upon the limited or general common elements. nor shall anything be
done which may be or become an annoyance or a nuisance to the members, nor shall any
unreasonably noisy activity be carried on in any unit or on the common elements. No
member owning any unit shall do or permit to be kept in his unit or on the common
elements anything that will increase the insurance rate on the Condominium without the
written approval of the Association. Each member who is the cause thereof shall pay to
the Association the increased cost of insurance premiums resulting from any such activity
or the maintenance of any such condition.
e) Storage and Trash. Neither the limited nor general common elements shall be used to store supplies,
materials, personal property, trash or refuse of any kind. except as designated by the Association. Trash
receptacles shall be maintained in areas designated therefor at all times and shall not be permitted
elsewhere on the common elements except for such short periods of time as may be reasonably
necessary to permit the periodic collection of trash. The common elements shall not be used in any way
for the drying, shaking or airing of clothing or other fabrics. In general, no activity shall be carried on
nor condition maintained by a member, either in his unit or upon the common elements, which
unreasonably spoils the appearance of the Condominium.
f) No Obstructions. Sidewalks, yards, landscaped areas, drives and, in general, all of the common
elements, shall not be obstructed in any way nor shall they be used for purposes other than for which
they are reasonably and obviously intended. No bicycles. vehicles, trailers, boats, snowmobiles,
recreational vehicles, chairs or benches may be left unattended on or about the general common
elements, without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors.
g) Use of Recreational Facilities. Use of any recreational facilities in the Condominium by Co-owners and
by children may be limited to such times and in such manner as the Association shall determine by duly
adopted regulations.
h) Signs. No signs or other advertising devices shall be displayed which are visible from the exterior of a
residential unit or on the common elements, including, For Sale signs, without written permission from
the Association.
i) Landscaping. No member shall perform any landscaping or plant or remove any trees. Shrubs or
flowers or place any ornamental materials upon the common elements, without the approval of the
Board of Directors.
j) Decks and Porches. No unsightly condition shall be maintained upon any porches or decks and only
furniture and equipment consistent with ordinary porch or deck use shall be permitted to remain there
during seasons when such areas are reasonably in use, and no furniture or equipment of any kind shall
be stored on the front porch during seasons when they are not reasonably in use.
k) Parking Area Storage. No inoperable or unlicensed vehicles, house trailers. commercial vehicles. boat
trailers, boats. campers, camping vehicles, camping trailers, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailers or motor
vehicles or trailers other than automobiles may be parked outside or stored on the Condominium
Premises, unless parked in an area specifically designated therefor by the Association; provided,
however, that campers and similar vehicles may be kept at the Condominium for a period of less than
twenty-four (24) hours without obtaining the Associations prior written approval. Commercial vehicles
and trucks shall not be parked in or about the Condominium (except as provided above) unless while
performing services or making deliveries or pickups in the normal course of business.
l) Pets. Except for household dogs, cats, and small caged birds, and fish, a Co-owner may not keep, raise,
or breed animals, livestock poultry of any kind in any unit. No pets may be kept, raised or bred in any
unit for commercial purposes. Pets shall have such care and restraint so as not to be obnoxious or
offensive on account of noise, odor or unsanitary conditions. No savage or dangerous pet shall be kept.
No such pet may be permitted to run loose upon the common elements, limited or general. The
Association may charge all Co-owners maintaining a pet a reasonable additional assessment to be
collected in the manner provided in Article V, Section 5.4, of these Bylaws if the Association determiners
such assessment necessary to defray the maintenance cost to the Association of accommodating animals
within the Condominium. Any person who causes an animal to be brought or kept in the Condominium
shall indemnify and hold harmless the Association for any damage. loss or liability which might accrue to
the Association as a result of the presence of such animal in the Condominium.
m) Mailbox System. The Developer and/or the Association will require that a common mailbox system be
used for the units which may require mailboxes to be located at a central location or at separate or joint
locations. The Developer and/or Association may determine the design and location of the mailbox
system or of joint or individual mailboxes.
n) Developer Sales Period. None of the restrictions contained in this Article VD shall apply to the
commercial activities or signs, if any, of the Developer during the development and sales period as
defined hereinafter, or of the Association in furtherance of its powers and purposes set forth herein and
in its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws as the same may be amended from time to time. For the
purposes of this subsection. the development and sales period shall be deemed to continue so long as
Developer owns any unit which he offers for sale or so long as any additional unit may be created in the
Condominium. Until all units that may be created in the Condominium have been sold by Developer,
Developer shall have the right to maintain a sales office, model units, storage areas, reasonable parking
incident to the foregoing and such access to, from and over the project as may be reasonable to enable
development and sale of the entire project by Developer.
o) Regulations. Reasonable regulations consistent with the Act, the Master Deed and these Bylaws
concerning the use of the common elements may be made and amended from time to time by any
Board of Directors of the Association, including the Board of Directors appointed by the Incorporator and
its successors. Copies of all such regulations and amendments thereto shall be furnished to all members
and shall become effective ten (10) days after mailing or delivery thereof to the designated voting
representative of each member. Any such: regulation or amendment may be revoked at any time by the
affirmative vote of more than fifty percent (50%) of all members in number and in value at any duly
convened meeting of the Association, except that the members may not revoke any regulation or
amendment prior to the first meeting of the Association.
7.2 Enforcement of Restrictions. The Associations costs of exercising its rights and administering its
responsibilities hereunder shall be Expenses of Administration (as defined in Article V above), provided
that the Association shall be entitled to recover its costs of proceeding against a breach by a co-owner as
provided in 12. l (b), below.
7.3 General Provisions.
(a) Zoning. All restrictions imposed by the City of Manistee Zoning Ordinance, as it applies to the
Condominium Project, shall apply to all units in the Condominium, except that if the Developer or the
Association has imposed more stringent restrictions; those restrictions shall apply in place of the City of
Manistee restrictions.
(b) No Gift or Dedication. Nothing herein contained will be considered to be a gift or dedication of any
portion of the units or other areas in the Condominium to the general public or for any public purposes
whatsoever, it being the intention of the Developer that these restrictions will be strictly limited to the
purposes herein specifically expressed.
(c) No Third-Party Beneficiaries. No third party, except grantees, heirs, representatives, successors and
assigns of the Developer, as provided herein, will be a beneficiary of any provision set forth herein.
(d) Handicapped Persons. Reasonable accommodations in the rules, policies and practices of the
Condominium will be made as required by the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, and
other applicable laws and regulations.
7.4 Persons Subject to Restrictions. All present and future co-owners, tenants and any other persons or
occupants using the facilities of the Condominium in any manner are subject to and shall comply with
the Act, the Master Deed, these Condominium Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, rules
and regulations of the Association.
7.5 Enforcement. A breach of any provision contained in this Article VIl shall constitute a breach of these
Bylaws and may be enforced pursuant to the terms of these Bylaws.
8.1 Notice of Intent to Lease. A Co-owner, including the Developer, desiring to rent or lease a
Condominium unit for any term. shall disclose that fact in writing to the Association at least ten
(10) days before presenting a lease form to a potential lessee, and at the same time, shall supply
the Association with a copy of the exact lease form for review for its compliance with the
Condominium Documents. The Board of Directors shall advise the C0-owner of any deficiencies
in the lease form and the Co-owner shall correct such deficiencies as directed by the Board of
Directors before presenting a copy of the lease form to the potential lessee. Once a lease form is
approved by the Board of Directors, a Co-owner of a unit may use the lease form to lease or let a
unit for a term of six (6 months) or longer. If Developer proposes to rent any Condominium unit
before the Transitional Control Date, Developer shall notify either the advisory committee or
each Co-owner in writing. For security purposes, all non-Co-owner occupants shall register their
presence with the Association prior to taking occupancy and shall notify the Association upon
departure. Boat slips may not be rented to non-residents of the development.
8.2 Conduct of Tenants. All tenants and non-co-owner occupants shall comply with all the terms and
conditions of the Condominium Documents and the provisions of the Act. No tenant shall be allowed to
keep pets in a unit without obtaining approval from the Association Board. If the Association determines
that a tenant or non-co-owner occupant has failed to comply with the conditions of the Condominium
Documents or the provisions of the Act, the Association may advise the appropriate member by certified
mail of the alleged violation by a person occupying his unit. The member shall have fifteen (15) days
after receipt of the notice to investigate and correct the alleged breach or advise the Association that a
violation has not occurred. If after fifteen (15) days the Association believes that the alleged breach has
not been cured or may be repeated, it may institute on its behalf, or the members may institute
derivatively on behalf of the Association if it is wider the control of the Developer an action for eviction
against the tenant or non-co-owner occupant and, simultaneously, for money damages against the
member and tenant or non-co-owner occupant for the breach of the conditions of the Condominium
Documents or the Act. The relief set forth in this Section may be by any appropriate proceeding. The
Association may hold both the tenant or non-co-owner occupant and the member liable for the
damages caused to the Condominium.
9.1 Notice of Mortgage. A co-owner who mortgages a unit shall notify the Association of the name and
address of his mortgagee and shall file a conformed copy of the note and mortgage with the Association,
which shall maintain that information in a book entitled Mortgages of Units. If the Association does not
receive the notice, it shall be relieved of any duty to provide the mortgagee any notice required by the
Master Deed or these Bylaws.
9.2 Notice of Default. The Association shall give to the holder of any first mortgage covering any unit in
the Condominium Project written notification of any default in the performance of the obligations of the
co-owner of such unit that is not cured within sixty (60) days if such mortgagee has. in writing. requested
the Association to report such defaults to it.
9.3 Notice of insurance. The Association shall notify each mortgagee appearing in the above-described
book of the name of each company insuring the general common elements of the Condominium against
vandalism and malicious mischief and the amounts of such coverage.
9.4 Notice of Meetings. Upon a request submitted to the Association, any institutional holder of a first
mortgage lien on any unit in the Condominium shall be entitled to receive written notification of every
meeting of the members of the Association and to designate are presentative to attend such meeting.
9.5 Acquisition of Title by First Mortgagee. Any first mortgagee who obtains title to a unit pursuant to
the remedies provided in the mortgage, or deed in lieu thereof, shall not be liable for that units unpaid
assessments which accrue before acquisition of title by the mortgagee, except to the extent provided in
Section 5.6. above.
10.1 Proposal. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors of the
Association acting upon the vote of the majority of the Directors or by one-third (1/3) or more of the
members in number or in value by an instrument in writing signed by them.
10.2 Meeting to Be Held. Upon any amendment being proposed, a meeting for consideration of the
amendment shall be duly called in accordance with the provisions of the Association Bylaws.
10.3 Vote Required. These Condominium Bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of
Two thirds (2/3) of the members in number and in value and two thirds (2/3) of all mortgagees at any
regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, except that the method or formula used to
determine the percentage of value of units in the Condominium Project and any provisions relating to
the ability or terms under which a co-owner may rent a unit may not be modified or amended without
the consent of each affected member and mortgagee. For purposes of this voting, each co-owner will
have one (1) vote for each unit owned, including as to the Developer all units created by the Master
Deed but not yet conveyed. Each mortgagee shall have one (1) vote for each mortgage held.
10.4 Amendments Not Materially Changing Condominium Bylaws. The Developer or Board of Directors
may enact amendments to these Condominium Bylaws without the approval of any member or
mortgagee, provided that the amendments shall not materially alter or change the rights of a member or
mortgagee. The Developer may also enact amendments to these Condominium Bylaws as provided in
the Master Deed.
10.5 Effective Date. Any amendment to these Bylaws (but not the Association Bylaws) shall become
effective upon the recording of the amendment in the Office of the Register of Deeds in the county
where the Condominium is located.
10.6 Costs of Amendments. Any person causing or requesting an amendment to these Condominium
Bylaws shall be responsible for the costs and expenses of considering, adopting, preparing and recording
the amendment except as provided in the Master Deed; provided, however, that such costs and
expenses relating to amendments adopted pursuant to Article 10, Section 10.4, or pursuant to a decision
of the Advisory Committee shall be expenses of administration.
10.7 Notice; Copies to Be Distributed. Members and mortgagees of record of Condominium units shall
be notified of proposed amendments not less than ten (10) days before the amendment is recorded. A
copy of each amendment to these Bylaws shall be furnished to every member after recording; provided,
however, that any amendment to these Bylaws that is adopted in accordance with this Article shall be
binding upon all persons who have an interest in the Condominium Project regardless of whether such
persons actually receive a copy of the amendment.
All terms used herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Act or as set forth in the Master
Deed to which these Bylaws are attached as an exhibit.
12.1 Relief Available. Any default by a co-owner shall entitle the Association or another co-owner or co-
owners to the following relief:
a. Failure to comply with any of the terms or provisions of the Condominium Documents shall be
grounds for relief, which may include, without limitation, an action to recover sums due for damages,
injunctive relief, foreclosure of lien (if default in payment of an assessment or other amount due) or any
combination thereof, and such relief may be sought by the Association. or, if appropriate. by an
aggrieved co-owner or co-owners.
b. In any proceeding arising because of an alleged default by any co-owner or the failure of any co-owner
to abide by the provisions of the Condominium Documents, the Association, if successful, shall be
entitled to recover the costs of the proceeding and such reasonable attorney’s fees (not limited to
statutory fees) as may be determined by the court, but in no event shall any co-owner be entitled to
recover attorney’s fees.
c. Such other reasonable remedies as are provided in the rules and regulations promulgated by the
Board of Directors, including, without limitation, the levying of fines against co-owners after notice and
opportunity for hearing, as provided in the rules and regulations of the Association, and the imposition
of late charges for nonpayment of assessments.
d. The violation of any of the provisions of the Condominium Documents shall also give the Association
or its duly authorized agents the right, in addition to the rights set forth above, to enter upon the
common elements, limited or general. or into any unit. Where reasonably necessary, and summarily
remove or abate, at the expense of the co-owner in violation, any structure, thing or condition existing
or maintained contrary to the provisions of the Condominium Documents.
12.2 Failure to Enforce. The failure of the Association or of any co-owner to enforce any right, provision,
covenant or condition which may be granted by the Condominium Documents shall not constitute a
waiver of the right of the Association or of any such co-owner to enforce that right, provision, covenant
or condition in the future.
12.3 Rights Cumulative. All rights, remedies and privileges granted to the Association or any co-owner or
co-owners pursuant to any terms, provisions. covenants or conditions of the Condominium Documents
shall be considered to be cumulative and the exercise of any one or more shall not be considered an
election of remedies, nor shall it preclude the party exercising it or them from exercising such other and
additional rights, remedies or privileges as may be available to that party at law or in equity.
12.4 Hearing. Before the imposition of any fine or other penalty hereunder, the offending unit owner
shall be given a reasonable opportunity to appear before the Board and be heard. Following the hearing,
the Board shall prepare a written decision and place it in the permanent records of the Association.
13.1 Submission to Arbitration. Any dispute, claim or grievance arising out of or relating to the
interpretation or application of the Master Deed. Condominium Bylaws or management agreement, if
any, or any disputes, claims or grievances arising among or between the co-owners or between the co-
owners and the Association shall, upon the election and written consent of all the parties to the dispute,
claim or grievance, and written notice to the Association, be submitted to arbitration, and the parties
thereto shall accept the arbiters decision as final and binding. The Commercial Arbitration Rules of the
American Arbitration Association, as amended and in effect from time to time hereafter. shall be
applicable to the arbitration. The arbiter may be either an attorney acceptable to both parties or a panel
of three (3) individuals, at least one (1) of whom shall be an attorney. The panel shall be composed of
one (1) individual appointed by the co-owner and one (1) individual appointed by the Board of Directors
of the Association. These two (2) panelists will then promptly agree on the third member of the panel.
No co-owner who is a natural person may appoint himself or a member of his household to the panel.
No corporation or partnership member may appoint a directors partner, officer or employee to the
panel. Neither may the Board appoint a person similarly associated with an individual, corporate or
partnership member. Costs of the arbitration shall be borne by the losing party to the arbitration. The
arbiter may require a reasonable deposit to ensure payment of costs. The deposit shall be placed in
escrow in the name of the arbiter as trustee in the name of the matter at issue.
13.2 Effect of Election. Election by co-owners or the Association to submit any dispute, claim or
grievance to arbitration as provided above shall preclude the parties from litigating that dispute, claim or
grievance in the courts. Any appeal from an arbitration award shall be considered a statutory appeal.
13.3 Preservation of Right. No co-owner shall be precluded from petitioning the courts to resolve any
dispute claim or grievance in the absence of election to arbitrate.
If any of the terms, provisions or covenants of these Bylaws or the Condominium Documents are held to
be partially or wholly invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever. that holding shall not affect,
alter, modify or impair in any manner whatsoever any of the other terms, provisions or covenants of
those documents or the remaining portions of any terms, provisions or covenants held to be partially
invalid or unenforceable.
When a Condominium is sold either by the developer or a Condominium owner, an Initiation Fee of
($1,000) one thousand dollars must be collected from the purchaser at closing. This fee is to be
deposited into the Condominium contingency fund. The initiation fee amount can only be changed by
unanimous support of the Condominium Association Board and a vote of (2/3) two-thirds of the
Condominium Association Co-Owners.